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segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2012


                                            "OUR GREAT WAR WITHIN"

The greatest and worst war is not fought in the streets, cities, air, waters or on the battlefield, from external enemies, soldiers or civilians. The great battle took place, at all times, inside the head of each one of us and the consequences of internal war is catastrophic for everyone and for all humanity.

Humans are by nature the most important protagonists of Life and will soon become the most numerous inhabitants of the planet with the progressive destruction, systematic, reckless and unconscious, the other species of life. While men are increasing swiftly, now seven billion of them (7000000000), other animals and other species disappear in the same
proportion of the voracious lust and fury of our irrationality. Few know, and it's hard to believe, that our behavior is often motivated by a part of our mind, still little known. This obscure and complex mental activity is UNCONSCIOUS. He is responsible directly or indirectly for most of the evils so do human beings suffer.

What is the Unconscious, where is it located in the brain, where it originated and how it manifests itself in our day-to-day? For decades, Science, especially Psychobiology, strives to give us answers to these questions. Unfortunately, much of this question remains a mystery. These are questions that seek to explain this work in a simple and intuitive for people to assimilate and thus know Unaware of their actions in their daily lives. The data analyzed here and explained to be assimilated and practiced for their own good and for the survival of us all. The language of the unconscious and the way they express themselves are almost always indirect and symbolic in most cases in which "intrudes" on our social behavior. It manifests itself through bodily aspects of gestures, in hypnosis, in mime, in dreams and in many other behaviors unseen and intelligible to the individual and others. Depending on what is written in neuronal cells that control the processes responsible for our instinctual life animal (brain cells that control our unconscious functions), the unconscious can be our greatest ally, which is its original function, or may become in our worst enemy, when the mind is in conflict caused by psychobiological and social factors, which seek to demonstrate in this work.

At first, in 1981, are reluctant to make public these data, it's a matter very vulnerable to criticism and controversy, given the pioneering vision of Psychobiology of Mind. However, we decided to release it for three reasons:
- It is the duty of everyone who acquires knowledge that a judge important, make it accessible to others so that they can benefit from this knowledge;
- To observe and deal with the everyday suffering of many families in which the action of the Unconscious is notable in disaster, with the disruption, not only the individual seeking treatment, as the family and society as a whole, as an extension individual and family conflict;
- Finally, we decided to make this public knowledge, so that other researchers and clinicians can you add more subsidies.

It is not our intention to scare and not spread fear, bigotry or pessimism among those who read the present study. Rather, our desire is to help them understand and thus better deal with the unconscious, becoming familiar with this important component of brain and mind that is largely responsible for the balance (homeostasis) of body and mind. It is easier to fight when one knows the "enemy", although the unconscious is not an enemy is surely a major cause of disorders in humans. We can say that aggression, violence, many of diseases and disorders in general, are a result of internal conflicts, ie, the "war" between the conscious and the unconscious mind of every person, that, beyond the individual himself, all causes social misery that we are watching at all times in all places on Earth.

From Cain to the present day in which men behave more irrationally, destroying himself, his fellow beings and the rest of nature, we are left thinking that this whole suicide and violence are the fruits of circumvention of internal conflicts unaware of each person making up the Company. We believe in the veracity of our claim, when for years we analyzed, studied, and we see in clinical practice behaviors that the total incoherence, has no explanation other than as acts committed by the Unconscious alienated people in states of mind. There are so many examples of how most of us unconsciously act, that is, driven by the unconscious part of the brain / mind, we would write dozens of pages showing the behaviors that are induced by it, and the disastrous consequences for the person and all. In more concrete events, we will report only a few clinical examples of cases in which the action of the unconscious in the family caused conflicts psychobiological, social and economic.

- Father and mother carry the child of ten years, seeking psychotherapeutic treatment. They said the boy is aggressive, has restless sleep, gastrointestinal disorders and learning difficulties. After meticulous observations of their behavior, analyzes and reports of other family members, it was found that the symptoms were presented by the child resulting from the aggressive behavior of her father and mother's excessive demands. Called and guided by a psychologist, they promised to change their behavior in order to achieve the healing of the mental conflicts of the child, which were designed by the symptoms of aggressiveness, poor school performance and somatized by insomnia and gastrointestinal disorders. All this was explained, analyzed and understood by those parents. While fully agreeing with the explanations and guidance given by the therapist, as well as the warning about the worsening of current symptoms and future evils that would follow, if not follow the therapeutic orientation.

Days later, it was learned that the father inflicted a severe punishment to the child, compounding the psychological and biological symptoms that showed when they came to the query. Called, in isolation, the presence of the psychologist, said his father was fulfilling the prescribed direction, the wife is "not changed at all," he said! Because the father was saying the opposite of what was happening in reality? For what reasons "lied" (no "lie" in Psychobiology)? The father does not like the child? He wants to hurt him intentionally? Of course not! He loves his son and he would give his life! So, because their behavior is destroying the present and his future?

Called the mother to the clinic, it was the same, that is, said he had been doing everything he told the therapist and the husband is that "it continued, had not changed at all!" By common logic, as explained behavior as conflicting, inconsistent and unrealistic? Moreover, factors that are involved and serious health consequences, economics, family and social structure. There's only explanation in the field of psychobiology, we can understand the inner motivations that the unconscious mind becomes the "Lord of Reason", dominating the conscious mind when, but this is who should maintain the dominance of external life and not behavioral allowing the unconscious to "meddle" in social life, which is not your area of expertise. Remember that the area of operation of the Unconscious is the inner life, organic and physiological. He is responsible for the functioning of our organs, and thus should not meddle in our "business" social life outside of our physiological organism.

Let's continue to show some more examples of the negative behavior of the Unconscious, seen in the clinic. After, we will see other contradictory situations of day-to-day, perpetrated under the command of this "mysterious" part of the mind.

- A husband accuses his wife of being domineering and says that she is ruining the marriage. Says she does not want to give him another son. Speaks so convincing that you would
any layman to be "against" the woman. Asks the therapist to call you for treatment because she "has problems," he says. After consulting his wife and heard people in other sections of your family circle, came to the conclusion that the opposite happens, that is, he is the ruler in the family and is unlikely to have more children! It is seen as more a behavior in which the unconscious interfere negatively, leading to ruin a family. This husband is the perpetrator and has always been uninterested in children. But, because he said he wanted more children if they do not like kids? The explanation is that anyone who claims to want to have more children is your Conscious saying he wants to please more children (children) that is a positive factor for people, making it well regarded by others. While its rejection by children comes from your unconscious that somehow makes you dislike the past with the small. His wife, passive, and in constant tension, like the husband and says ever get used to the suffering, leaving things as they are, saying he will not change. What did that husband "pretend" so convincingly? What drove his wife to get used to suffering? It seems that something inside them compels them to suffer! It may not be aware of (for want) such a boost because it is unacceptable that someone prefers suffering to pleasure, I like more of sorrow than of joy, except, of course, those heroes of Christianity who received the gift of Heaven and strength to all endure in the name of God. This is another example of the time we behave moved by "something" (the unconscious) that is within us and escapes our conscious control (the consciousness).

- Father and Son come to the office to find a cure for the smoking of both. They smoke a lot and this addiction is causing them health problems. Do not talk about family relationships and show great affection between them, always with the child's arm in his father's shoulder. According to them, everything is normal in the family and the only problem is the
cigarette. However, while some other members of this family were called by the therapist, they narrated the story is told that the opposite of the Father and the Son, when they came to visit. The main and most serious problem was not the act of smoking, smoking is a terrible way to avoid conflict, but rather the great unconscious aggression between them. Weeks before, that the son had tried to kill his father with a knife during a family celebration. Had drunk too much (other pernicious drain of the Unconscious) and discussion between the two had begun for a trivial reason that it was the first to tease out who put the ham on the table!

It is quite easy to notice is the action of the Unconscious of his son and father. This has always rejected his son for him to judge the son of a marital betrayal of his wife. Thus, the "Unconscious betrayed" the father was at "war" against the child and the "Unconscious rejected" this against the father figure. No matter whether, in fact, the child is legitimate or not, to the Unconscious, the trial is done by appearances, he is not capable of critical analysis that is Aware, which is the "owner" of reason, or, should be.

We have quoted above, these few examples of cases that clinical psychologists and psychiatrists deal-and they know.
Other examples of actions that are done by induction of the Unconscious, can be noticed by observing people in our relationship or many others in their day-to-day. Also, through the media, especially television, the Internet and countless examples of behavioral events of inconsistency guided by those who practice them. For example:

Weapons-makers are proud of the sophistication and technology of its products whose sole purpose is to kill! Employees and workers in these industries of Death, also conceited when they help in the construction of these instruments of war! Probably, owners and workers do not feel guilty for the destruction of artifacts resulting from their murderous hands that built it. Sales of weapons are required to remain in their jobs and support their families, they do not care for those who sold their weapons and not to use their customers make them. "They forget" that they themselves are potential victims of the robbers, terrorists and so many other criminals, armed-useful for those innocent who defend themselves by saying that this is his job, that is, working for Death! Again we ask: why not consider themselves responsible for the results and consequences of what they produce? Because, after his service (weapons production) behave like friendly people, peaceful and even God-fearing! Bizarre, is not it? They are God-fearing when they are home with the family, in churches, clubs with friends and anywhere else outside of his role as arms manufacturers, but when they do in manufacturing them, "personality change", not feel remorse and no fear of divine wrath! Again the answers to such conflicting ways of thinking, acting and behaving, are in the action of the unconscious mind of employers and workers of Death.

Countries rich and easy sell weapons to poor countries ruled by dictators and then will fight these same dictators, the weapons that provided the first. That is, people who manufactured the weapons, the rulers and politicians of those rich countries, will be the first to condemn and intervene militarily, demanding human rights and violence against those very dictators they were set up! This is not an inconsistency? How and for what purpose give weapons to anyone, especially for those who are ignorant and have no morals, and swallow and then regret their use and sometimes used against myself?! Such behavior, which is widely used by almost all countries, can be conscious and rational? Of course it is unconscious acts! How could anyone in their right mind can give weapons to the probable murderer? It is seen that a person (groups, countries, political, industrial, etc..) Standing with his normal conscious, that is, structured, healthy and not dominated by his unconscious insane, never perform acts negative, dangerous, reckless, criminal and irresponsible. Whoever manufactures, sells and provides weapons to murderers and thieves who rob us and kill us, can be normal, balanced and aware? Obviously those who act in this manner, is or is mentally unbalanced, which is dominating negative Unconscious Conscious your weakened by biological, psychological and / or social.

- When filmmakers, directors, producers, actors and actresses in movies, novels, television shows and theater give interviews and are asked about the growing violence and aggressive people, they tend to condemn it and are contrary to aggressive behavior and to mourn the degree of violence reached. However, when you're creating, producing, directing and representing their roles in films, novels, videos, and theaters; they contradict what they say, because they teach, propagate, disseminate and affect crime and the various forms of amorality and immorality, as the dishonesty, permissiveness, crime, physical and sexual promiscuity, violence, the various addictions and mental disorders with their examples that will condition all they see, read and listen to them, especially the millions of ignorant and immature whole range group. You do not see any more of a soap opera, film, magazine, video, etc.. that is not crowded and filled with violence, crime, sexism, prostitution, physical and mental, deformation of character, nothingness, existential emptiness, dishonesty and other vices, so explicit, forceful, natural, overt, repetitive and conditioning as we are witnessing in the world.

Actors, porn movies and violence in their lives outside the studio, at home, etc.., Show up, honest, pure and innocent, behaving with their families as heavenly angels and archangels, as if nothing were contributing for imitation of prostitution and violence in their roles as prostitutes and violent condition and encourage millions of immature and weak of all ages to follow their examples of adverse human decay and degradation.

-And the owners of TV stations that you say Christian and preach the teachings of God? These, while promoting goodness, disclose all sorts of human degeneration, exposed and seen by everyone in their schedules abject temperate sexism, prostitution customs, horror, terror, violence, aggression and other anomalies; often said after a program of "faith" and "Christianity"! His Conscious talk about God, but in his unconscious act the devils!

- Long ago, a renowned physicist announced that he and his team had developed a technique that will provide the atomic bombs more economically, with greater destructive power and efficiency cleaner! That is, fatuously proud and boasted that one scientist had created a way to destroy and kill their fellows more cheaply and hygienic! Outside of his work and technical killer function, the same man is considered a peaceful citizen, a "loving person", a jealous father-in-family and "a preacher of peace"! There will be two people inside one body? Would be schizophrenic when it acts and behaves in ways so conflicting, inconsistent and disconnected?

- Some companies polluting the environment establish, promote and finance meetings, lectures and other events for public awareness of the evils of environmental pollution they cause and they pollute. We saw some of these encounters for audiences of doctors and university where the inconsistency in the behavior of spectators and the speaker is well known and even comic, or rather tragicomic. In one end of these lectures where most of the "interested" in environmental health was talking, napping, going all the time, playing, sucking on candy and throwing papers on the floor, drinking soda cans and leaving the seat, while the speaker effort to teach good habits and ways to save the Planet of the final catastrophe, resulting from our ignorance and irresponsibility planetary environment. At the end, after the whistling tune ever and the applause of the remainder of step (many had already retired after signing the attendance sheet, secured as well, their "points" academics), the speaker is turned away, without leaving smoking his cigarette and play your "play" still lit on the first pitcher plant found in the front, in the hallways at school! In the empty auditorium, was only the memory of the action of each of the Unconscious "defender" of the environment: cans, paper, candy wrappers and some "gum
chewing "nailed strategically and chewed on the chairs ...

For many "defenders" of environmental purity, such conduct sound strangely and only be understood if we look through the prism of Psychobiology, or may be, are abnormal behaviors, under the dominion of the Unconscious. That is, the Aware of the speaker and the audience want to preservation and environmental improvement, but the unconscious of them, require them to act contrary, as we have seen in their behavior, in the example cited. Then, explain more and more detail about this "fight" x Unconscious Conscious.

- A mother told us, proudly, that her 12 year old son was "crazy" by women and cute when he felt a "grab" their priminhas. However, that same mother would say feminist, criticized the "macho" men who make women an object of consumption! One can understand that the unconscious mother who is happy and proud attitude of "macho" of the child, which makes the objects and materials that your conscious is responsible for their "feminism". And how they feel and what they say priminhas of mothers who are consumed by the mother of this baby "feminist"? Probably will not like the attitude of this "mini-macho"! In this case it is "macho" that the unconscious mother who is proud and pleased with the "machismo" of his son, while the ideas of "feminism" can be found on its flimsy Aware.

Men talk much-peace and never pitched well. While your conscious desire peace, because they value the dire consequences of the war: his Unconscious want war, to give vent to his animal instincts of aggression and irrationality.

-We monitor the conduct of dozens of drivers of public transportation, public officials and branches of various commercial vendors. Most of them, when they are angry with their employers or dissatisfied with their wages tend to mistreat their passengers and meet with ill-humor and even with aggressive clients and consumers. Is not it strange to act that way? They just depend on those who offend and mistreat them! This is because their Conscious know that if they turned against their employers soon will lose their jobs. So, your Unconscious frustrated, relieve mental pressure caused by the impotence of not being able to take revenge on their bosses or bosses, mistreating or assaulting others. The bad thing is when the secondary target (passengers, customers, consumers and users) are unaware of their frustrations someone richer or more powerful than their bosses! Then, both the conscious and the unconscious will of the aggressor to "swamp" because of the revenge of the conscious and unconscious of the victim.

How many times we talk and / or act in haste and then repent of negative action and irreparable harm we do! Would there be reason to repent only if we act consciously? Of course not! So "who" or "what" motivates us and drives us to
perform a behavior that harms others or hurts? How many crimes are committed by individuals whose records are loaded with unconscious negative impacts of their failures, frustrations and all the negative events and that he felt were assimilated through their five senses, from gestation to the time practicing action criminal!

Offenders-rich or poor, even in old age, persist in dishonest conduct! Your Unconscious patients deceive them, conditioning their Conscious to think they are immortal and that there is nothing after death. So, still stealing, killing, destroying and practicing their immoral and amoral acts, without any feeling of disapproval or regret (for who has the ability to analyze the world and disapproval of negative and harmful acts is aware) until the brain structures deteriorate by the illness and death of these wretched people.

-Political leaders, officials and businessmen, even the elderly, continue to act in immoral, amoral, full of pride and vanity as if they were to live forever! Because "forget" the nearness of the end of their lives? Some of them can think of "accountability" after his death, as well as warned his fellow scientists, the great French genius in physics, Henri Pascal! They do not think that because your Unconscious elude their conscious, giving them the stuff of fantasy to be eternal and above everyone else. Who gives us the sense of our limitations, and the death of our finitude is our conscious brain that generates the conscious mind, because he is facing outside our society, being the holder of reality, objectivity and reason.

Since our brain that generates the Unconscious Mind has, or should aim to internal physiological functions, and therefore keep only biological life. He, the Unconscious, where "judge" eternal (it would be desirable to your target) and thus does not allow these criminals or conceited elderly, learn from your end, not to suffer and not be depressed with the memory of the end of their earthly lives and a possible trial for their criminal acts. The Unconscious negative results is always frail trick Aware of immatures of any age, race, sex and size.

- Lawmakers, lawyers and politicians, on behalf of the State and the People, establishing stringent and punitive laws against the use of alcohol by drivers, intending thereby to prevent violations and crimes on the wheel. This is a conscious attitude of the state that tries to diminish the action of traffic offenders (what I call "guerrilla asphalt") which kills more than 50,000 people a year and victimize others around 150,000 in the same period, giving us the dishonorable title of world champions of crime. This, not counting
with the billions of dollars that come out every year from our pockets to respond and repair the injured, spending on hospitals, road maintenance, streetlights, signs destroyed those claims and other expenses with billionaires spent by Social Security, with ongoing medical and early retirement of many who escaped with their lives these criminals the wheel and were paralyzed for life, not to mention the suffering of the families involved, especially those poor, who are the majority of our families.

This government effort and interest shown by our political and honored by our competent authorities and certain attitudes are necessary because they are aware of those born of our worthy representatives who show zeal for the preservation of our lives. But all of this and all the interest that causes us to distrust, goes by "downstream" when Unaware of these rulers, politicians and authorities, permit and promote the widespread sale of beverages to the criminals themselves from the wheel. These authorities take pride in transforming their cities best-selling alcoholic beverages! A real contrast behavior that can only be explained by the action of their unconscious brain, which promotes binge drinking and general and complete in all corners of this country, making it the champion of immaturity and Corner of drunken and reckless citizens.

In all countries of the world is the same unconscious behavior of its leaders and the same negative consequences in their people. Here, where for centuries, the rulers and politicians have to give people the bread through the distribution politicking cornmeal; the circus, the easy laugh and full of comedians and humorists weak and poor, for football, more truculent and mercenary; by gambling or not, scattered to the four corners, and now with greater intensity, stimulating widespread drunkenness of millions of caterpillars sip day and night in any place where they can soak in distilled and fermented, to joy and revelry of brewers, and the like wino who profit from the abuse of alcohol, smoking and other poison dozens of drugs in mind, increasing the work of hospitals, providing more jobs for doctors, nurses and other health professionals, increasing the rental and sale of funeral profit to the pharmaceutical industry and all involved in the trade of addictions, including governments that collect more money for the maintenance of the huge expenses for care to addicts drunks, druggies, etc.., in his works in the maintenance of social and political class with its friends, colleagues, supporters, voters immature and relatives.

Then we'll talk about other consequences of the "war" between our "Conscious" and "unconscious" as: "Empire of noise" (already published), the "rule of immaturity," the "rule of Ignorance" (already published) the "empire of dishonesty", the "rule of rum" and other "empires", has long flourishing among us, arising from the conflict x Unconscious Conscious.

A good example of conflict caused by Unaware of the people is what is seen in the behavior of members of many dysfunctional families. Note that they, when they are home, family, or wherever they are together, create friction, criticizing, insulting, belittling or attacking each other, especially at parties or family events commemorating dates, birthdays, Christmas, Mother's Day, etc.., giving the impression of hostility between them. However, outside the home, in different environments, at school, at work, colleagues and friends, behave in a manner contrary to family life. Far more of the family are happy, smiling, cherish those who are not their relatives and acquire a reputation for friendly, nice, understanding and caring. This way of acting contrary to his natural family, that "personality change" (the right one is talking about "role playing") is because your unconscious is not at "war" with the conscious and / or unaware of their colleagues, friends and acquaintances. The "war" is against the members of his family where he unwittingly becomes their "enemies" because of conflicts between them lived and suffered in direct contact in family life. It is common for someone, especially a parent, say that John Doe is really quiet at home and aggressive, whereas "the street" is the same playful, quiet and affectionate with strangers. Sure, it has the Unconscious "something" against the house and not against those outside the family with whom he lived as a child. In such cases there is usually no conscious conflict, or are not aware of their conflict, as in times of sorrow, in the "grips" familiar they embrace kissing, rally together and help each other. The difficulty is to rejoice and celebrate together, because their Unconscious negative only "allow" the manifestation of solidarity in sorrow and in suffering, in joy and pleasure, no!

-For a person who has a habit you want the other to participate of their addiction? Make sure someone who smokes, drinks and is dependent on some harmful habits and see how he tries to induce those who are not dependent, to have their same defects! This is because the unconscious addict like some company in his mental weakness, so the more people share with their disability, will be better and more comforting to him, because he will not be lonely in his weakness. The same thing happens when the individual is unable or feel physically, mentally, culturally, morally or economically poor. The Unconscious of a frustrated person so poor tend to oppose, oppose, oppose, offend, criticize or attack those who are normal, educated, studious, honest and without flaws. A clear example of unconscious frustration causing aggression is what we have seen, on some occasions where they debated the morality and ethics. Witnessed them law students and people of different ages, gender, social strata, economic and cultural state that if they think the money they pocketed the street, as if the others belonged to them. Asked about the criminal act of taking possession of an item that does not belong to them; responded aggressively, which "has no owner found," though such appropriation is provided and classified as a crime in Article 169, II of the Brazilian Penal Code . In one of these discussions with students in the classroom, we saw only one student saying that there will overtake found money and returned to its owner or the rightful owner. Apart from the angry criticism, laughter and teasing from peers, this one being honest was rejected by almost everyone else. This explains why the amoral Unaware of his colleagues want everyone else to be dishonest. Since they have the solidarity of all came the rivalry, envy and frustration at seeing someone acting normal, honest and sadia.Como frustration is the cause of every act aggressive and violent, we can explain the reason for the anger and rejection against one student, whose conscious is worthy of Mankind, the Aware of his colleagues were defeated by their animalistic Unconscious.

-Note how many react aggressively with disabilities when they suffer some criticism! His reaction is motivated by his unconscious that striving for perfection and integrity of your image, as compared to other physically normal person seeks vent frustration through aggression. As I quoted before, Frustration leads to aggression and violence, it is enough to note the state of mind, cultural and economic whose dick, mars, attacks and destroys public goods and others. It is very doubtful that anyone happy, normal, healthy, material, cultural and mentally rich, walk around to attack, kill, steal, steal or destroy things!

- For what reasons people kill for love and hate? For love is aware of the constructive sense, whereas the primary feeling is hatred and beastly of the Unconscious. Therefore, we must have a wise and mature Aware choose to know friends, associates, colleagues and lovers who have their Conscious able to control their animals Unconscious, lest we be future victims of these beasts, when their "owners" get frustrated with us. Love is genuine and mature fruit of conscious and thus only wants the good of others. While the passion and physical attraction are generated in the immature person unconscious and only lasts as long as their physical beauty of the other. When this is over and loses immature or judge that you will lose your loved one "cute", the frustration sets in and comes to aggression, violence and crime. How many times have we seen this happen! Killed following the rule of the Unconscious and immature patient who says, "if not I will not be more than anyone!"

Many other examples of behavior "weird", inconsistent and ambiguous show that, for the most part, humans are driven by their unconscious, whose programs written in them are harmful, unhealthy and negative. As is increasingly difficult to maintain the earthly existence is characterized in that terrible weight, pain, suffering and frustration, it is natural that we are receiving from the environment, thousands of negative stimuli in each second, from that existential suffering. We are victims of bad examples that enter our brain through the five senses and will form our mental life.

Everything is recorded and stored in our brain, forming a mental activity unhealthy, degenerate and unstructured, is leading humans to the suicide of his own species, through the negative actions and behavior and unhealthy, such as aggression, violence, dishonesty and all kinds of immoral and amoral behavior. Television, Cinema, Internet and its derivatives are the major determinants of mental illness ruling, due to many of its programs would constitute real schools of violence, aggression, permissiveness, dishonesty and many other deviations from the character and Well all these examples of evil that bombard us day and night, from infants to adulthood, and made us complicit supporters of Evil Let no one deceive! The Well was soundly defeated! We live under the Evil Empire! It is the victory of the Unconscious unstructured! We dismantle the Family, degenerating our descendants with the absence of ethical teachings, and Christian humanist. We reject God and cast out of our homes, replacing him by worldly pleasures and passengers of money, fame, power, sexism, physical beauty, AIDS, cancer and several other current and future ills. We are destroying the music, religion and the arts; not take long for Science and annihilate the fall in total darkness of ignorance.

The animalistic dominance of the Unconscious Conscious is on the general, universal and irreversible, that is, Reason, prototype of Mankind, has lost its primacy to the part of the brain that characterizes the lower animals ... The Unconscious! Most of us are acting and behaving like wild animals and the trend is that soon we will all Inconscientizados not resist the pressure and persecution of the Bad and Irrational, most of which will be increased to stifle good and aware. This has happened before, more than 2,000 years, when we choose and chose Barabbas. Now, try to make us understand, explain and analyze the mental life, and especially the origin of the conscious and the unconscious, this, our main aim of this study.

                              TOP OF THE ACTIVITY OF MIND

Some neuroscientists psychologists, doctors and biologists in recent decades, have devoted enormous efforts and published many scientific works, from research and experiments related to the beginning of our mental life that is the most important human activity in the world. It is almost unanimous agreement among these researchers, the notion that the activity of the mind begins very early, even in intrauterine life. Concern for the prenatal psyche, that is, with the principle of mental life of man, has stimulated growing research in the neurosciences, especially in psychobiology, which is the basic scientific support branch of psychology. Psychology without the biological substrate that supports it, is limited to speculation and a haphazard jumble of "guesses". The study of mental life in the womb, has resulted in further clarification on the mind of the unborn.

This evidence, scientifically, that the events during pregnancy, there are recorded in brain structures that form the unconscious brain of the fetus. Thus, we have no doubt that these events will be used by the mind of the individual and will have importance in their internal and social life after birth. Therefore, the Unconscious is the precursor of the mental life of human beings. Thus, if it is not well structured with a memory (chemical and electrical) recordings generated by positive facts and events enjoyable, healthy and positive, we will be born a more unstructured and abnormal, whose unconscious negative results will harm you and all us. And how can create an Unconscious healthy, positive and useful to individuals and
Humanity? First, giving the pregnant woman
a healthy diet, rich in nutrients essential to their maintenance and training necessary for the physical health of the brain that is forming in its embryo, and
later in the fetus, the future citizen of the world. However, in addition to medical care and nutrition (vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids, etc..) Requires that an organ as important as the brain, is no less important that care should be taken with the Mind, which is the resultant more the operation of the noble brain. It is the Mind of the embryo and fetus that will, along with other billions of human minds of other characters, will improve or worsen the lives of us all and sustainability of the planet itself.

It is possible that, when it initiates the formation of the brain in the first weeks of gestation, the neural tube cells, precursors of nerve cells (neurons), already have the ability to capture and record stimuli of his inner workings. As our defense cells have "memory biochemistry" for the recognition of numerous types of invading substances (antigens) of the body, it is likely that these pre-neuronal cells have the same ability to retain traces mnemonics. However, as they still do not form neural circuits and networks that enable the exchange of information, there should be an "embryonic psyche" itself, but rather a memory Embryo.

Later, from the 6th month of intrauterine life, the fetus is already well developed in the brain and even the time of his birth his nervous system is complete with its billions of neurons able to record the stimuli of outside world, began its life in society. And their Conscious and Unconscious? Well, back to intrauterine life, since that time that embryonic stem cells (pre-neurons) are organized to form the future of the fetal brain. By the 6th month those cells begin to write the data (stimuli) internal and soon will be able to record almost everything that occurs inside and outside the womb. Obviously your brain, does not have direct contact with the outside world is through the mother's feeling that he will write many external stimuli
As sounds, trauma, drugs, some brightness, etc..
From your internal environment, the recordings will be more evident and strong as the emotions with chemical changes in the maternal placenta, psychological and physical trauma suffered by her, in short, everything that affects the external and internal environment of the mother, will be felt and experienced by the fetus in recordings that are stored in your brain that added to the billions of others who will receive from the outside world will be your roadmap and guide to their current behavior and later, during his earthly existence.

The birth of the Unconscious is located at this period that includes the start of training and brain function to output the fetus to the world. The initial neurons, especially after the 5th or 6th month of pregnancy, are recording all the data needed to maintain current and back of the biological functioning of the person in training. In addition to innate genetic programming and cerebralizados to all animals, these neurons record everything that happens inside the womb and everything coming at them from the outside world through the five (or more) senses the mother. Thus, as the fetus are not fully aware of what is happening out there, that is, the neurons of the upper structure of your brain has not had direct contact with our social environment, your recordings are stored in the neurons of the lower structures that are typically the representatives of the lower animals. Therefore, these neurons are the leaders and controllers of our animal life, biological and physiological functioning of taking care of our bodies, from beginning to end of our earthly existence.

The Unconscious born for this, take good care of our internal operations and maintain our wildlife. You who are reading me now realize that I was not thinking in his heart, his kidneys and his lungs. However, without having to remember or worry, they are and continue to operate without you being aware of them, that is, your conscious should not worry about its organic functioning because it is the job of your unconscious. Aware that the course can "meddle" in some cases with the organic function of the Unconscious! When you're sick, for example, you are thinking of the affected organ to help your unconscious to heal him with medical aid, medicines, diets, etc.. Also, the unconscious can "meddle" in our social life, which is the area of action of Aware, when, for example, it is fragile and out of action in the states of drunkenness, immaturity, coma, fainting, shock or even you are distracted. Remember how many times he was driving the car, with the thought or worried about facing a serious problem and did not even notice the path until he was coming home or wherever I wanted to go! How did you go and go without incident after passing through the busy streets, obey signs, pedestrians dodge cars and nothing happened? Who led as well was the destination of your brain Unconscious Mind in these times of crisis is also of the social command of your body, instead of Aware, which was taking care of your outer life, but is "beside himself" "erased" or incapable of reasoning. That is why when the person is being conducted by your unconscious is as if hypnotized, automated, as seen in some altered states of consciousness (the conscious) as in somnambulism, hypnotism and more.

See also when one sleeps and you will something hot or sharp slope on your skin or even an insect when the cock! Automatically, without waking, the person reacts away from the threat or scratching the site of pain. So we ask: Who made you react if I was with the consciousness (the consciousness) "off"? Unaware of the sleeping person reacts automatically to protect your body from an attack, while your conscious is "absent." In this way, and on several other occasions, when our conscious is not able to drive in a positive way to our destinations, we are being led and directed by the unconscious that set records for those who assimilated from its intrauterine experience so far its action will drive our muscles and our mind to good, with positive and constructive actions, or worse, making us act sick, negative and destructive. We see, therefore, is fundamental to how the individual and for society, to have an unconscious positive, normal, structured and healthy. When the Unconscious is or is unstructured and does not have a strong conscious, healthy, normal and structured, it can not contain the harmful impulses of the unconscious patient, at times when the traumas, disappointments or frustrations of life hit us. Imagine a person from gestation recorded "things" in his unconscious and negative, after birth, when your conscious began recording the "things" in the world, continues to receive negative stimuli such as noises and sounds of the negative stuff sound (at times) that we hear all the time, imagine a child after a negative pregnancy continues to write, now also in his conscious, profanity and pornography without their parents give them a good education based on ethics, honesty , respect for others and the environment, without culture and delivered to the teachings of this world has deteriorated by bad habits! It is clear that a person will not be a good example of a "Homo sapiens sapiens."

And how it forms an unconscious negative and a positive Aware? To better understand this very important subject that should be treated with priority by all people, because our survival depends on the Aware and Unaware of each person in the world, we must go back to our past embryonic and fetal development. We come to this state of moral decay, spiritual and material, because we dominate in the Unconscious negative.

                  The Mental Dynamics Conscious / Unconscious

The mental life can be defined by the agency of Conscious and Unconscious, relating to each other, interacting with your internal environment psychobiological, with the external environment, with other living creatures and among these, the other with their human Aware and unconscious. Of the more than 80 billion neurons estimated to have the brain, part of them is the conscious with the unconscious other. As we said neurons that form the consciousness, create the Conscious Mind, which represents Reason, Rationality, common sense, social life, Humanism, etc.. While the neurons that form the Unconscious, the Unconscious Mind creates, motivating the irrationality typical of the lower animals, such as aggression, violence, lack of common sense, the immaturity, hunger, thirst, digestion, and finally, all the stimuli necessary for automated biological life.

Aware of the neurons begin to record the actual facts of nature and the environment after birth, through the five senses, even though I come with a recording of events of the last months of pregnancy. It is through these recordings that is structured Conscious Life, with its multiple and countless interactions with what was recorded in intrauterine life to be recorded with the external environment, for the life of the person. We are being very repetitive, but it never hurts to remind the mechanisms leading to the birth and evolution of these two parts of the mind, lest we forget the importance of these two mental activities in the life of each and their impact on the environment and the lives of all humans.

                                       The Unconscious
In the early phases or stages of pregnancy, there are the first neurons that will form the nervous system, whose structure is more important is the brain, which is what concerns us here. As these cells have the main feature writing data (stimuli) obviously begin recording the events of the environment in which they operate, which is the intrauterine environment. Thus, these recordings are the initial components of Life Unconscious (the unconscious) of every Human Being. As the embryo is isolated from the outside world, it is clear that his mental life will be restricted to the psychobiological life of his mother. He writes the mental state of pregnant women with their immense and countless psychosomatic implications arising from this for both the mother and him. A pregnancy is always a critical period, with the mother suffering all kinds of changes in your psyche, such as fear, anxiety, pressure from other people and other turmoil of modern life. There will be changes biological, physical and chemical properties that affect more or less, the "mind" of the unconscious person in training. For most it is a normal pregnancy will never be free of negative events that will influence the present and future life of the Self This is our "original sin". We do not claim that every child becomes an adult problem. It is enough to neutralize such "negative charges" with a healthy diet and a good education for the mother and child, from birth to adulthood. Since this type of education is being neglected and abandoned by parents and educators worldwide, we are witnessing a growing number of people and scary immature, incompetent and frustrated that generate personal and social irresponsibility, with aggression and violence we are seeing today universal .

                                          The Conscious

As we just read, the child is born in his mind only the Unconscious with the recording of events in their prenatal life, or is the memory of the uterus. In that time he was totally dependent on the physiology and psychological status of the mother, the embryo and fetus were unrelated and isolated (as it should have been) the reality of the world. However, upon exiting the womb, he will become aware (know) the physical and psychological reality of this world, through touch, hearing, smell, taste and vision, which will gradually unfolding to provide you with the recording and storage of the actual facts of the Environment that will live, giving you a new perspective on life: her ... Your Conscious Awareness! Today, with the increasing difficulties of all kinds, this early recording of environmental stimuli, it is also negative, with the accumulation of harmful stimuli to the child's future and we all, with the recording of the suffering caused by negative physical discomfort by material deprivation and psychological, its acceptance or rejection by parents, the state of material poverty, cultural, and aggressive or violent environment that can exist in a family environment. Repeating what we said, we will find the child in the early formation of his conscious, which should always be strong to counteract the negative impulses of your unconscious, which do occur throughout its existence, as well as learn to behave in front of onslaught of Conscious and Unconscious of all the people who run into. Million will be conscious and unconscious unstructured and ill be the new will have to know (or know) deal in his lifetime, according to the power of your conscious! The survival of it, the planet and all of us, this depends on your conscious and aware of the other 7 billion ... yet!

If child care is positive and reassuring for those around her, she will have a strong and well structured aware, thanks to recordings of events rewarding, positive and useful, with conditions to neutralize the negative charges that are stored in your Unconscious that still controls almost completely. If the family is not comforting and positive, then we will have more negative charges, this time captured by its Conscious also that they do not know yet deal with the negative and traumatic stimuli (pain, disappointment, pain, frustrations, etc..), It will passing them to the Unconscious, so there "hide them" and "pretend" that they no longer exist not to suffer again, every time you come to the same memory. They are many and complex links the conscious and unconscious newborn with family members, relatives and friends.

If child care is positive and reassuring for those around her, she will have a strong and well structured aware, thanks to recordings of events rewarding, positive and useful, with conditions to neutralize the negative charges that are stored in your Unconscious that still controls almost completely. If the family is not comforting and positive, then we will have more negative charges, this time captured by its Conscious also that they do not know yet deal with the negative and traumatic stimuli (pain, disappointment, pain, frustrations, etc..), It will passing them to the Unconscious, so there "hide them" and "pretend" that they no longer exist not to suffer again, every time you come to the same memory. They are many and complex links the conscious and unconscious newborn with family members, relatives and friends. He will relate to the father, mother, siblings, grandparents and others who may live with his family. Imagine that all these people went through a pregnancy positive or negative, that are also conscious and unconscious, that may cause you some grief! Annoyance to the Unconscious is everything that hinders your enjoyment. In turn, the child's parents will not let him do what he wants to preserve his life, for example, playing with blades, with electrical outlets, fire, explosives and other dangerous things. But it still does not have the rational capacity (role of Aware) to analyze the full parental prohibitions and then get frustrated. As the frustration is the origin of aggression and violence, the child will be aggressive against anyone (anyone) that deprived him of the pleasure of playing (fire, electricity, etc.).. A brother of this child "dethroned" the youngest position will see her as the cause of his "abandonment" by relatives and family friends who now have another "little king" to worship. So he will consider it, unconsciously, an enemy that must destroy in order for it to return to the previous focus of attention of all. In this context, each member of a family carry with it, recorded in his unconscious, negative charges that will be projected on other family members. Thus, it creates a climate that we consider "war family unconscious," where each loving the other (consciously) seek to destroy it unconsciously.

                         The Family War Unconscious

Each person in a family that did not counteract the growing (solved) their unconscious conflicts inherited from their intrauterine life and childhood, still unconsciously (without knowing) with an excess of negative charges, due to hardships caused by pain, dislikes, frustrations, etc.. engraved in your mind. These negative charges tend to protrude toward each other in the form of aggression. The "other" to the Unconscious is anyone with whom he lives; regardless of whether the father, mother, brothers, etc.. Remember that feeling of love is not in the Conscious and Unconscious which is representative of the "animal" that resides in any one of us! To better understand this our "animal", try reading: "The Dragons of the Mind," published and disseminated in various Internet sites. Returning to the Unconscious family, we emphasize that aggression between members of a family with their Conscious weak and dominated by their unconscious negative, is directly proportional to the Unconscious "think" that the other caused it. "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth", this is the law of the unconscious mind. The stricken family and under strong pressure and tension begins to fall apart. Some become irritable, have insomnia, hit each other, get impatient. Others receive psychic tensions in the body that are converted into ulcers, hypertension, dermatitis, asthma and others.

Which survives this war, the tension becomes unbearable causing serious mental disorders or serious biological and deconstructed by the appearance of benign and malignant tumors.
Unfortunately, people involved in this "war" unconscious, rarely realize they are destroying. The reason for this lack is because, as their fight Unaware, Aware that their love and support you. Families whose members live fighting, in moments of pain, suffering and mourning, to show affection and loveliness they have on their conscious. The conscious mind is the person who represents, he is the father, mother, son and brother, while his Unaware that are part animal that maintains the physical and biological father, mother, son and brothers. Hence, we can say that the term "fault" can never be felt by the employee or family members, as well as being the biological process is not perceived by any of them.

In dozens of families in which these researched facts and whose physical and moral sufferings impress us, we could see the deterioration of one or more of its members. This imbalance in the family gets larger society because everyone involved in this "war" takes its conflicts for individuals and families who attend various social groups. Transmit and cause tensions in the workplace, at school, at parties, anywhere where they are, especially in the streets when the perceived tensions in people's faces. It is no wonder that violence is reaching frightening levels. Each one bringing their negative charge in the Unconscious and unloading next to his bitterness, his failures and frustration, seeking thereby alleviate the suffering of the internal dynamics of negative charges recorded in his unconscious. Violence in traffic is another good example of the action of the unconscious patient. Many drivers, induced by their immature minds (immaturity is the constant dominance of the unconscious over the conscious) and driven by their unconscious become one of the most useful inventions in a more deadly weapon than the car is in the hands of drivers of the sick . Driving a vehicle fast and heavy, an immature feel protected by anonymity, speed and the hardware of the car; behaves as powerful in inverse proportion to their frustration, weakness, mental and material poverty. It is no surprise that they kill about 50,000 people and leaving over 300,000 injured, over 350,000 accidents in causing this yet another of the "war" of the Unconscious negative.

Signs and symptoms of an unconscious negative are not very difficult to realize, just to observe and analyze the behavior of people, certain acts, gestures and manner of dress, etc.. The closed face, often angry that most people see on the street, is a demonstration of Unconscious frustrated. Frustration easy to feel today, when we take in through our five senses, events that will annoy us and cause suffering to the increasing difficulties in getting a job, the most competitive contests where demands more qualified candidates, as higher grade, graduate, doctoral, master's, foreign languages, practice, etc..; most frustrating has no culture. More negative events are recorded in our mind when we know the daily shenanigans and constant assaults on public coffers of many politicians and government officials in addition to not being punished and are still receiving high salaries compared with our hard-earned gains and honest, when we lose a loved one when the constant fear of being killed or stolen by the growing number of criminals, whose unconscious is full of negative charges also, when we want to be someone we envy and are not, and covet when we want something we can not have, when we see the few men honest and ethical standard, they are stuck, rejected, criticized, smeared and even threatened by the majority that has become unethical, dishonest, amoral and immoral, when we see families crumble for rejecting and expelling God from their homes, when we feel insecure wherever you are with the constant threat of aggression and violence on the other, etc ... etc..

All these fears and stressors are being taken through our senses into the brain where they are analyzed by the Conscious Mind you, if they are to find that it recorded its cause disruption due to the constant reminder of those negative events and to preserve the a rapid collapse and bankruptcy mentally and physically, he (the conscious) memories away the negative (harmful) to the Unconscious, where they will remain completely electrochemistry. These memories (negatively charged) wake up and come back to invade the consciousness (awareness), so our brain structures weakened by disease, age and, more commonly, when we are threatened by the growing number of Unconscious and irreversible negative, immature unstructured and the other human beings.

All these signs of mental disorders should be a warning for taking a correct position in order to minimize the evils caused by these negative behaviors by changing the education of our children, in forming his character, improving the mental capacity of its Aware with the recording of positive stimuli with good music, good literature and good examples of dignity and honesty that the parents failed to give their children.

As noted before, the organ function called "involuntary" are controlled by neurons of the Unconscious, as blood circulation, kidney activity, hormonal, cardiac, etc.., And functions "voluntary" are carried out under the command of neurons in the Conscious as the skeletal muscles. However, the nervous system is one, and these controls may alternate. For example: we can, with our conscious desire to enter the area of the Unconscious and control some of its functions "involuntary." Just a good training in mental introspection and a little knowledge psychobiological. The reverse, ie, the unconscious take over any function of the conscious, it happens when it is or is unable to guide us, as in states of fatigue, panic, fear, drunkenness, fainting, etc.., Then the system unconscious engine takes control to safeguard our integrity.

This intervention in the area of the Unconscious Conscious is common when we are concerned, "daydreaming", with many problems, etc.. How aware is very busy in the same solutions, the unconscious takes control of the muscular system and can drive the car for us, makes us cross a busy street without us noticing, and so on. When this happens, it does very well in this protective task, originally proving to be a great ally. If the Unconscious also causes numerous behavioral problems, is so only because of their poor training received (negative charges) during development. We will see then how the mind works in our daily lives and their conflicting implications.

When our senses, especially vision, make us aware of something, for example, a person who crossed the street, its image is made known to the review. If the image coincide with some other previously recorded earlier, this person will be recognized in a positive way if it has provided some pleasure (positive charge), or negatively if it caused us some trouble. In this case, our unconscious can mobilize the muscles controlled by conscious for a possible attack that can be a simple indifference to a strong attack, depending on the type and level of negative charges recorded related to the image of that person.

We commit injustices in this analysis engine, because the comparison of these images, one being viewed may have the facial features just like the one we recorded negatively. In this case the unconscious can take the person as the cause of some past suffering, and than act against it in a negative way. This explains the formation of prejudice and dislike for certain people to have other at first sight. The image of a person or something that has no recollection dissipated by us will be aware in order not to overload the mental apparatus with neutral recordings. Only be recorded and archived the positive facts and / or negative, we can repeat this for the positive and know how to reject the negative. In certain circumstances a neutral stimulus can be recorded and archived, provided it is repetitive, take advantage of this is that sales professionals. All harmful eating habits, addictions, superfluous and harmful products are sold worldwide to immature and sick due to conditioning by repetition that major user industries.

As repetition is a good way to save is explained, too, because people become more aggressive when they get used to seeing aggression and violence on television, in movies, magazines, etc.. They become dishonest by many examples of corruption seen daily in other media. Hence, the danger to which we are exposed to many negative stimuli and have become used to these examples of MAL. If we do not take action and awareness, in the first negative acts, they will, due to repetition, to the unconscious and this is programmed negatively. If the first aggressions have seen or do not react, the reaction will be difficult, because we get used to and settled in behavior that harms our rights is what is known as the "omission of the GOOD." We can use this technique of repetition, too, to record positive events in the Unconscious, which will be beneficial to us. When you constantly think about or talk that we are well and that we will prosper, this message will be recorded in the Unconscious and this will fulfill what has been conditioned.

Before ending this exhibition, we want to show some implications of the Unconscious in the daily events and sayings:
Who wants to have Savings Account always receive high interest rates, while inflation does not accept that! Do depositors are aware that high interest rates are a result of inflation?
- Translating the saying "Who does not see himself face heart" means "man" refers to the conscious and "heart" to the unconscious;
- "My holy does not match it" which means that the unconscious of the speaker does not match and Conscious / Unconscious or the other;
- "Do what I say and do what I do" in this case, who is the Conscious SAYS, DOES and who is the Unconscious;
- "You can not arm twisting," the "arm" refers to the unconscious that always wants to be victorious.

Finally, we warn about the formation of the child mind. When we say that we are born with negative charges (the "original sin"), the only solution to avoid future harm to the person and for all socialization is given by the parents. It should not be rigid as education of the past, where the family tension was constant, nor can it be with the current permissiveness, whose disastrous effects we are witnessing in widespread violence. Both do not neutralize the excess negativity in the mind of the person in training. On the contrary, strict upbringing and negative reinforcers are permissive with hurts, disappointments and frustrations (negative charges) of the student. Since its conception, the human being must record positive examples and creative, like listening to good music in the normal range of hearing, good food, nice view images free of aggression, violence, horror, prostitution and other degrading and harmful stimuli.

The addictions and negative habits are attractive morbid generated in the Unconscious, of course, already has recorded the death of our programming in their brain structures, because we are mortal. The Unconscious need these loopholes to vent frustrations by negative charges recorded in it, whereas the consciousness sees and knows the evils caused by the decay of the examples of other addicts, but, being weak, can do nothing against his own unconscious negative. Hence the reason for the difficulty of abandoning harmful habits and addictions such as smoking, drugs and alcohol. The more we talk to one of those dependent on the evils caused by these poisons, plus they get angry with us and the more they stay the addiction that kills them. All addicts, dependent or practicing something that endangers your safety and your life are death to the schedule in its activated
Unconscious. We are not born good nor bad; saw the world with a primitive unconscious to be educated and controlled by conscious family. The formation of the person who is born, must be conditioned by parents, educators and all those responsible for the fate of the Humane Society, by encouraging positive and constructive examples of good and moral and ethical teachings, to maintain its dominance and control over their Unconscious, thus balancing the personal mental mechanism, and therefore, Peace and Social Progress. Human conflicts are internal and external imbalance arising from the unconscious and conscious of each person, which causes the greatest victory of evil over good. In the chaos of mind in which we live, where most of the brains (7000000000) meets with his conscious and unconscious and unstructured internal and external war, little time and space left for the few who still conscious brain is structured.

Most people, especially those younger in age and immature, have a morbid attraction by abnormal, the horror, the bloody violence, and extreme aggression, the different and unusual. There is much talk of "exit routine"! This exit routine is nothing more than out of the ordinary and natural Conscious; animal to enter the irrationality of the unconscious fantasies and experience the trails of reckless behavior irresponsible, immature and harmful, increasingly present in our daily lives. The exploration of the negative behavior of immature Unconscious billion today is quite remarkable to those who have eyes and ears to see and hear. The dealers take advantage of the immaturity and greatly profit from such mental deterioration ruling. Hence the literature, films, videos, television, internet, theater and other media that explore both the morbidity unconscious. This is further evidence of the dominance of negative unconscious today, where people are more violent and more seduced by the horror, the abnormal and the shed blood of another, without realizing that each one is the "other" from the "other." The converse of this unhealthy and destructive collapse of the Unconscious is the consciousness that represents wisdom, intelligence, beauty, and all the normal attributes of the true man, who will soon be remembered only in libraries, museums and archaeological remains.

If you do not analyze and do not even take seriously what has been repeatedly exposed and wide, especially parents, the immaturity continue increasing geometrically. Immaturity that this is the condition in which the unconscious negative predominates, generating destructive impact on the individual and for us all. The largest negative and harmful effect of this conflict and this "war unconscious" is the frustration that creates aggression, violence and mental immaturity that makes us one of the greatest world champions of Ignorance, so well proven in many hundreds of murders and thousands of other crimes Unaware that the negative daily commit.


Belo Horizonte, January 6, 2012.

Carleial. Mendonca Bernardino.

Clinical Psychologist, Catholic University of Minas Gerais;
Law Student of the Faculty of Law Estácio de Sá;
Writer and Researcher in the areas of psychobiology and Law.


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